The US$3bn AUM impact investor is putting donors' money to work for adaptation, resilience, and mitigation
BlackRock to help Insurance Development Forum drive investment in infrastructure projects
New 'Guide for Adaptation and Resilience Finance' offers 100+ investable adaptation and resilience themes
S&P Global research shows just 21% of companies have adaptation plans
A survey of VC and PE professionals reveals potential investment hotspots
Swiss Re says natural catastrophes caused US$108bn of insured losses last year
Climate Proof analysis shows extreme weather and climate shocks are discussed, but A&R not so much
UN-backed guide illustrates corporate actions to further Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda
What's in the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' climate resilience strategy?
The President proposes financing to harden US against climate shocks, though most provisions are unlikely to become law
The 'CRISP' framework expands the A&R investible universe
The first European Climate Risk Assessment makes the case for bigger and better adaptation and resilience policies